Species & Dataset
Foliar Ozone Injury
Glycine max
Common name: Soybean
Family: Fabaceae
Cultivar: Glycine soja
Tissue: Third trifoliate
Ozone concentration: 75 ppb
Ozone exposure: 7 hours
Sampling time: ​ 7 hours after ozone treatment
Platform: Hiseq 2000 (Illumina)
Year of study: 2017
Location: Chicago, USA

Title: RNA-Seq study reveals genetic responses of diverse wild soybean accessions to increased ozone levels.
Summary: Ozone is an air pollutant widely known to cause a decrease in productivity in many plant species, including soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr). While the response of cultivated soybean to ozone has been studied, very little information is available regarding the ozone response of its wild relatives. Ozone-resistant wild soybean accessions were identified by measuring the response of a genetically diverse group of 66 wild soybean (Glycine soja Zucc. and Sieb.) accessions to elevated ozone levels. RNA-Seq analyses were performed on leaves of different ages from selected ozone-sensitive and ozone-resistant accessions that were subjected to treatment with an environmentally relevant level of ozone. Many more genes responded to elevated ozone in the two ozone-sensitive accessions than in the ozone-resistant accessions. Analyses of the ozone response genes indicated that leaves of different ages responded differently to ozone. Older leaves displayed a consistent reduction in expression of genes involved in photosynthesis in response to ozone, while changes in expression of defense genes dominated younger leaf tissue in response to ozone. As expected, there is a substantial difference between the response of ozone-sensitive and ozone-resistant accessions. Genes associated with photosystem 2 were substantially reduced in expression in response to ozone in the ozone-resistant accessions. A decrease in peptidase inhibitors was one of several responses specific to one of the ozone resistant accessions. The decrease in expression in genes associated with photosynthesis confirms that the photosynthetic apparatus may be an early casualty in response to moderate levels of ozone. A compromise of photosynthesis would substantially impact plant growth and seed production. However, the resistant accessions may preserve their photosynthetic apparatus in response to the ozone levels used in this study. Older leaf tissue of the ozone-resistant accessions showed a unique down-regulation of genes associated with endopeptidase inhibitor activity. This study demonstrates the existence of significant diversity in wild soybean for ozone response. Wild soybean accessions characterized in this study can be used by soybean breeders to enhance ozone tolerance of this important food crop.
Data repository: NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (Project: GSE85146) (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/).
Reference: Waldeck, N., Burkey, K., Carter, T., Dickey, D., Song, Q. and Taliercio, E., 2017. RNA-Seq study reveals genetic responses of diverse wild soybean accessions to increased ozone levels. BMC genomics, 18(1), pp.1-10.
GO_acc | ontology | Gene description | 407179_1st trifoliate Z-Score_row1 | 407179_2nd trifoliate pvalue_row1 | 407179_3rd trifoliate Z-Score_row2 | 424007_1st trifoliate pvalue_row2 | 424007_2nd trifoliate Z-Score_row3 | 424007_3rd trifoliate pvalue_row3 | 424123_1st trifoliate Z-Score_row4 | 424123_2nd trifoliate pvalue_row4 | 424123_3rd trifoliate Z-Score_row5 | 507656_1st trifoliate pvalue_row5 | 507656_2nd trifoliate Z-Score_row6 | 507656_3rd trifoliate pvalue_row6 |